Vision and approach
A Connected Place … a lively place to live, work, and play, a welcoming gateway showcasing the nature of the city and beyond, and a sustainable travel hub.
What is a concept masterplan?

It is important to note that a concept masterplan is not a detailed design of what will be built on the site, but instead a set of guidelines for developers providing key parameters including heights of buildings, movement and access (e.g. cycling, walking, public transport) and land uses (e.g. homes, businesses, open spaces). Developers will need to prepare detailed masterplans for individual sites that are in line with the principles set out in the concept masterplan for the wider Station Approach area.
The purpose of public consultation

The council wanted to share the draft concept masterplan proposals with you. The vision for Station Approach together with ideas and proposals on how to deliver the vision are set out in the following pages.
The conversation so far…
Development principles

In 2022, the Council consulted local residents and stakeholders on their aspirations for Station Approach and over 1000 people shared their thoughts about what the opportunities were for the area. This feedback helped form a vision for Station Approach stated in four development principles, and described further in a number of sub-principles:
Agreed development principles
Connected and sustainable development
- Carbon neutral city by 2030 Low carbon development
- Prioritise sustainable transport & Active travel
- Reduce town centre traffic
- Create healthy spaces for people
- Support biodiversity and greening
Development for Winchester’s future
- Appropriate site mix to reinforce and complement Winchester’s town centre and economic future
- Promote an inclusive and accessible environment
- Promote public value principles
- Support affordable housing needs
High quality design, positive placemaking
- Create a greater sense of arrival for Winchester
- Respect Winchester’s townscape and character
- Enhance public realm, routes and spaces for people that are coherent, direct, safe, comfortable and attractive
- High quality architecture
- Consider key views, preserve and enhance heritage
Co-creating with residents, businesses and stakeholders
- Open-up our design process to as wide a range of voices as possible, specifically those who currently or should / will use the space regularly
- Clear consultation plan
- Listen and feedback
- Balance aspirations with opportunities and site constraints